Initial Setup Guide using the JetBackup 5 API

We commonly receive questions on how to complete initial setup of JetBackup 5 (creating destinations, jobs, skipping the Showcase screen, etc) exclusively through the API. The following steps will allow you to:


  • Proceed past the DR Wizard with "New Installation"
  • Install the S3-Compatible Destination Plugin
  • Create a S3-Destination
  • Create a Daily Schedule which runs every day
  • Create a Backup Job and assign your Daily Schedule

This is only intended to be a basic setup guide. Additional options and flags are available in our JetBackup 5 API documentation here:

New Installation Setup

Our recommended way to automate the deployment of JB5 is through the API and using an automation platform such as Ansible. You can automate setup of destinations, settings, backup jobs, creating schedules, etc via the API.

For example, to automate approval of the EULA and Feature Showcase screens:

  • Indicate that you have read and agree to the EULA
    jetbackup5api -F approveAgreement
  • Exit Disaster Recovery (Fresh Installation)
    jetbackup5api -F factoryReset
  • Get Showcase ID
    jetbackup5api -F listShowcase
  • Approve Showcase by ID
    jetbackup5api -F approveShowcase -D "_id={Showcase_ID}"

Setting up a Destination


Since JetBackup 5 uses plugins to enable any destination other than Local, you would need to use the Plugins API calls to first install and enable the plugin if you're planning to use: SSH, S3, or FTP:

  • Obtain the plugin _id for the S3 Destination Plugin
    jetbackup5api -F listPackages -D "find[code]=S3"
  • Install the S3-Compatible Destination Plugin and enable it
    jetbackup5api -F installPlugin -D "package_id=63cb171253f682926c04f22b&disabled=0"

To create the S3 Destination for Wasabi:
The different destination options are listed in the "Parameter Dictionary" under "Destination Options":

  • Create a S3 Destination. Take note of the destination _id - it will be needed when creating a backup job.
    jetbackup5api -F manageDestination -D "type=S3&options[path]=/BACKUPS&options[access_key]={BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY}&options[secret_key]={BUCKET_SECRET_KEY}&options[bucket]={BUCKET_NAME}&options[verifyssl]=1&options[retries]=5&options[region]={REGION}&options[endpoint]=s3.{region}

Creating a Schedule and Backup Job


To create a Backup Job with a schedule, you would need to create the schedule first.

  • Create a Daily Schedule that runs every day. Take note of the schedule _id
    jetbackup5api -F manageSchedule -D "name=Daily-Schedule&type=2&type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=2&type_data[2]=3&type_data[3]=4&type_data[4]=7&type_data[5]=6&type_data[6]=5&action=create"
  • Create a Backup Job with the above schedule _id. Please also refer to the documentation for an example API call with other options (such as an exclude list):

jetbackup5api -F manageBackupJob -D "name=BackupJob&destination[0]={DESTINATION_ID}&type=1&contains=511&structure=1&time=0&monitor[ranfor]=0&monitor[notran]=0&schedules[0][_id]={SCHEDULE_ID}&schedules[0][retain]=7&action=create"


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