Plesk - Restore Failed: An error occurred during domain update

If a restore fails with the following error:

[ERROR] Failed making utility Call to Plesk. Error: [DATE] 53340:65780abbe1688 ERR [util_exec] proc_close() failed ['/usr/local  /psa/admin/bin/usermng' '--mod-user' '--old-user=example.example._naza1c1jhjo' '--new-user=example.example._naza1c1jhjo'] with exit code [255]

An error occurred during domain update: An error occurred during changing of hosting settings: System user update is failed: Unable to execute usermng: usermng: PAM password change failed: 20, Authentication token manipulationerror

It can be resolved by editing the /etc/pam.d/plesk_usrmng_encrypted file and commenting out the line, password Please note that this line is not present in a clean Plesk Installation.

The resulting file contents should be:

#password required try_first_pass
#password required
password required try_first_pass
password required try_first_pass
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